We start a new church year today as we enter the season of advent. Advent is from a Latin word that means coming to. The first Advent of our Lord was when Jesus was born as a human/Divine infant in Bethlehem. After He was crucified and resurrected, He ascended into Heaven. Before Jesus returned to the Father he promised to return. This upcoming event is known as the parousia, the second Advent of our Lord.
Jesus predicts signs of His coming. “Nations will be in anguish……people will faint from terror!” Not very Christmas like thoughts are they? But if we are real, we will have to admit these events have been going on for as long as history has been recorded. We are in the last days!
The Gospel message in this account is that people of faith can have confidence knowing that it is just a matter of time before our Savior returns and restores all things. Jesus tells the faithful to not be frightened at these terrible events but to stand firm and lift up our heads because our redemption is near. Join us as we unpack Jesus‘ promise and find comfort and hope in His certain promises.