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Vacation Bible School was July 22nd to the 26th and I would like to thank everyone who helped. I especially would like to thank Susan Davis who created the VBS flyers & organized
people to pass out the fliers in the community and her continual patience and support! Jessica and Quint who did the food preparation in the kitchen of the delicious meals. Ettie who donated crafts, Luwam for his help and Pastor Dave who did the Bible Stories. And our band Providence who led music & worship. And all of our Volunteers who helped with games and

We are so lucky every year to get amazing volunteers who like myself work a full- time job and have other obligations in their life come and volunteer for an hour or the whole time. They don't get paid to do it their payment is the Word of God being spread. Thank you to all of them. To Cheyanne who always remains a bright light no matter what the storm is. This year the theme was Beach Vibes. I hope the waves that we made have a rippling effect and bring these children to know Jesus is their Savior. Will they become members of our Church?  We don't know what seeds we plant all we can do is keep throwing them out there. A special thanks to Diane Parent and Thrivent who got us a community grant that helped sponsor Vacation Bible School. Liz and Pauline for their love and support! Pam and Roger who made this year’s banner and their continual support. Miss Dee Dee for her borders!! And anyone I’m forgetting that helped make this year's VBS happen! Jesus Is Our Rock!  I would also like to thank the Marantha church who stayed after their service to help me set up the Sanctuary and then helped to take down decorations on Friday. They tirelessly helped me decorate the Sanctuary and saw my vision even when I didn't. Thank you all for your patience and kindness. 

I would like to dedicate this year's VBS to Marilyn who was my Sunday School teacher.  Without her and my Mom’s guidance I would never be as active as I am in Children’s Ministry as I am today.

These are the seeds we plant for tomorrow. 
Your servant in the Lord.
Jade Clark 
Elder of Children & Youth