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“A Story from Vacation Bible School”

It was the last night of VBS, which is the potluck and then the program in the Sanctuary. Afterwards we gathered on the patio for ice cream sandwiches. A little boy came up to me and said, “Here, this is for you” and handed me a piece of paper. I thought it was the wrapper from his ice cream and he was being a little punk handing me his trash. His name is Xion and he had been a handful all week long. So he handed it to me and I looked at it expecting to see trash, but instead there was something written on it. I said, “What is this, a scarecrow?” He said, “It’s upside down”.  And he turned it around in my hand and it read “I will miss you.” I smiled and gave him a hug and told him I’d miss him too.

So like Jade said, we never know the seeds we are planting for those children. I was going to keep this story to myself but then thought it would be better to share it and let everyone who helped out with VBS know that we all made an impact. Even when it didn’t seem like it!! And even if we didn’t realize it!! It was truly special.

And I would like to say thank you to Raquel Tesfai, Brooklyn Clark and Maria Renee Herman for helping with the kids all week.  And Brooklyn for taking their pictures for the frames we hand out on Friday and Maria Renee for doing the slide show. That is part of the closing program on Friday as well. Thank you Rocio Herman for helping at the table signing kids up and a very special thank you to Shari Streed for cleaning up the Fellowship Hall every day after the kids were done eating. She helped a lot and made my job a lot easier!

And last but not least, a very big thank you to Jade Clark for putting this all together again this year. Countless hours were put into this and it was all done with a lot of love and patience. Thank you Jade and thank you to everyone who helped.

Can’t wait till next year! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Michael Herman