Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent. Lent began last Wednesday as we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Lent lasts for forty days from Ash Wednesday to Easter. The seven Sundays are not a part of the forty days. Lent is a time to remember the journey Jesus made to Jerusalem, His betrayal, suffering, death and resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Lent is also a time for us to take stock of our own personal discipleship. Have we heeded Jesus' call to pick up our cross and follow Him? How is our prayer life? How is our giving to others? Do we fast as a Christian discipline?
Jesus' forty days in the wilderness being tempted by the devil is always the text for the first Sunday in Lent. After His baptism, Jesus is driven into the wilderness by the Spirit where He is tempted by Satan. We can learn from this experience. Temptations will be a part of our Christian walk. The more we resist temptation the stronger we become. We are not left alone to face temptation. God is with us!