Our text today contains three scenarios. First, Jesus makes it clear that anyone who believes in Jesus and serves Him, it doesn’t matter what denomination they belong to. Just do something in His Name to make the world a better place.
Next, Jesus talks about the seriousness of sin. I have heard this Sunday called gouge your eye out Sunday because Jesus says if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out! This is hyperbole, an exaggerated form of speech. The only sin that sends someone to hell is unbelief. By living authentic lives Jesus says we are the salt of the earth.
This is the point! As Christians, we have been given grace, mercy, love and forgiveness. By sharing those qualities with the world we are said to be salty. Salt has many practical uses in our lives. But unless the salt is applied to something it is of no value. What good is salt in a salt shaker if it is not used? You are the salt of the earth. Get out there and get shaking!