Today we look at the parable of the Good Samaritan. A parable is an earthly story with heavenly significance. We can relate to the idea of a Good Samaritan. Motor homes have stickers that say “good Sam club” on them. It means they are willing to help someone in need.
In Jesus' day, there was great animosity between Jews and Samaritans. For the most part, they hated each other. A Jew would never identify with a Samaritan. A Jew would not want to identify with the priest and the Levite who passed the bloodied and beaten man without offering assistance either.
So who is left? The helpless man lying in the ditch! Join us today as we take another look at a cherished parable and discover how this parable is first and foremost a parable about God’s gracious action in saving us through Jesus Christ. It is also a call to action. Jesus directs us to go and do likewise.