Luke 14:25-35
So you want to be a disciple?
The crowds were following Jesus. They had seen Him demonstrate His mastery over nature, disease, and even death itself. They loved His teaching. But Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem where He would be crucified. He knew it, but the crowds didn’t.
So Jesus explains to them what it takes to be a disciple. You must love Him more than self, family and possessions. You must take up your cross to follow Him. The requirements for true discipleship are truly staggering.
Join us as we look at what discipleship in its fullness looks like. Not all are called to that level of discipleship. We cannot do it. But with God all things are possible. Our salvation is achieved for us by the completed work of Jesus’ death and resurrection and given to us through faith in Him. Maybe we cannot all be disciples but we can all follow Jesus and receive the gift of salvation offered to us through faith in Jesus Christ.