The season of Epiphany begins with the baptism of Jesus and concludes with the Mount of Transfiguration account. Both have the heavens opening up and the voice of the Father speaking to Jesus. In His baptism, the Father says this is my Son, whom I love, with Him I am well pleased. The Holy Spirit descends into Jesus like a dove. all three persons of the Trinity are clearly present at the same time.
The Father reveals the identity of Jesus as His Son, but there is so much more to this baptism account. Jesus seeks baptism from John so that Jesus shows how He identifies with us. Jesus takes on our sin in the water of His baptism. He joins Himself with us in His baptism so we can be joined to Him in our baptism.
Jesus is joined to us in all that we do so that we can be joined to Him in all that He does. Romans 6 tells us that if we have been baptized into the death of Jesus we will also be baptized into His resurrection. Join us today as we celebrate what that means for us today.